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Our Team Spotlight: Grace Andrews

Grace Andrews 

Project Coordinator 


Grace Andrews holds a B.A. in Environmental Science from Colby College and experience in the energy and environmental sector. Her experience includes community engagement and outreach, project management, and research and data analysis.  

In Grace’s current role as Project Coordinator, she leads the implementation of the EMPOWER Workplace Charging Project, a nationwide project involving over 30 Clean Cities Coalitions that are providing technical assistance to workplaces to help expand access to EV charging across the country. She also assists on fleet consulting, grant writing, and additional projects such as DERA and Washignton Electric Vehicle Charging Program.  

As part of the EMPOWER Workplace Charging Project, Grace coordinates resource development, inter-coalition communication, data tracking, and contractor activities to  smoothly.  

EMPOWER is a great opportunity for workplaces to receive tailored coaching to help them on their workplace charging journey. Grace is also managing communications and coaching for the local CWCC and WWCC workplaces that are involved with the project. If you would like to be involved, you can learn more here or contact Grace directly at

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