Join Us!
We invite you to join us.
CWCCC is a Northwest regional coalition dedicated to decreasing our region’s reliance on petroleum and increasing our ability to provide domestically produced alternatives to gasoline and diesel.
By becoming a member, you are helping to:
Improve air quality in the Northwest
Increase America’s independence from petroleum
Contribute to developing your region’s economy
Actively improve local communities
Benefits of Membership
Qualify for U.S. Department of Energy grants only available to Clean Cities members
Notification of additional funding opportunities
Contribute to the CWCCC Strategic Plan
Attend training sessions on the latest advancements in alternative fuels and vehicles
Access to industry experts on alternative transportation fuels
Training on the latest technology
Network with other CWCCC members
Learn from success stories by local fleet owners using alternative fuels
Please Select The Plan That Best Suits You Or Your Organization
Please note the prices listed below include the 3.5% convenience fee associated with online payment. To avoid this added cost, members are welcome to pay via check, mailed to PO BOX 721, Tualatin, Oregon 97062
103.50$Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Membership – IndividualValid for one year- Please see our brochure for details.
517.50$Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Membership - BronzeValid for one year- Please see our brochure for details.
1,552.50$Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Membership - SilverValid for one year- Please see our brochure for details.
5,175$Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Membership - GoldValid for one year- Please see our brochure for details.
10,350$Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Membership - PlatinumValid for one year- Please see our brochure for details.